Friday, December 3, 2010

Agenda 12/3/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Briefly describe the different methods for calculating GDP.
2. Discussion 3.1
3. HW: Finish 3.1

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Agenda 11/30/10 Tuesday

1. Exam 2.4
2. HW: Read through 313 Section 3.1.1

Monday, November 29, 2010

Agenda 11/29/10 Monday

1. Exam Review 2.4
2. HW: Exam 2.4 Tuesday

Monday, November 22, 2010

Agenda 11/22/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Discuss at least 3 main problems or issues that arise when discussing international cooperation among govts. when dealing with negative externalities.
2. Discussion 2.4
3. HW: Quiz 2.4 Tomorrow

Friday, November 19, 2010

Agenda 11/19/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Using fruit trees as an example, diagram the concept of externalities and present (and show) at least two possible solutions.
2. Discussion 2.4
3. HW: Exam 2.4 Tuesday

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Agenda 11/16/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss the two traits necessary for something to be a "public good".
2. Discussion 2.4
3. HW: Finish 2.4
Commentary 1 Due Monday 11/22

Friday, November 12, 2010

Agenda 11/12/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Using a diagram, explain the issue of sustainable development from the standpoint of an MDC.
2. Discussion 2.4
3. HW: Finish 2.4
Exam 2.4 Thursday next week.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Agenda 11/10/10 Wednesday

1. Bell Task: Diagram a positive externality and show the "lost" Potential Welfare Gains to society.
2. Discussion 2.4
3. Read through pg. 287

Monday, November 8, 2010

Agenda 11/8-9/10 Mon-Tues

1. Bell Task: What is market failure and why does it happen?
2. Practice Commentary
3. HW: Read through page 287

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Agenda 11/4/10 Thursday

1. Quiz 2.2
2. HW: Read through page 277

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Agenda 10/26/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task:
a. Compare expensive wine, vegetables, and an inferior good like potatoes in terms of income elasticity.
b. Why would the PES of dried cod be higher than that of fresh cod? Use a diagram
2. Discussion 2.2
3. HW: Quiz 2.2 will be Monday after break.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Agenda 10/25/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Explain how a company can use PED to help maximize total revenue.
2. IA Practice
3. Discussion 2.2
4. HW: Quiz 2.2 Wednesday

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Agenda 10/19/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task:

a. A product has very few substitutes and a small proportion of income is spent on the product. What would the PED be like?
b. Describe one determinant of price elasticity of SUPPLY.
2. Discussion: Elasticity
3. HW: Read through 167

Monday, October 18, 2010

Agenda 10/18/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Briefly compare and contrast the concepts of:
price elasticity of demand and cross-price elasticity of demand.
2. Discussion 2.2 Elasticities
3. HW: Read through 161

Friday, October 15, 2010

Agenda 10/15/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Discuss 2 of 3 determinants of demand elasticity.
2. Discussion 2.2: Demand Elasticity
3. HW: Read through pg. 150

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Agenda 10/14/10 Thursday

1. Group Assignment: Supply and Demand
2. HW: Read through page 145

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Agenda 10/5/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: How might minimum wage laws negatively affect the people that they were intended to help? Draw a diagram.
2. Discussion 2.1
3. HW: Quiz 2.1 Tomorrow

Monday, October 4, 2010

Agenda 10/4/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: What will be the effect on either supply or demand?
a. minimum wage is increased nationally
b. a new tax is placed on cigarettes
c. price of energy falls substantially
d. rebate checks are sent to each taxpayer
2. Discussion Section 2.1
3. HW: Quiz on 2.1 Wednesday

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Agenda 9/28/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Discuss the 4 determinants demand that cause demand to shift.
2. Discussion 2.1
3. Exam Fees Must be paid by Oct. 4
3. HW: Read through page 89

Monday, September 27, 2010

Agenda 9/27/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Evaluate the following quotes:
a. The enlightened man, using his reason, can perfect society
b. Man is imperfect and must be restrained and guided by cultural traditions and beliefs that have stood the test of time.
2. Exam Review
3. Liberalism vs. Conservatism
4. HW: Read through pg. 89

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Agenda 9/23/10 Thursday

1. Bell Task: Describe how both Capitalism and Communism answer the basic economic questions of: What, How, and For Whom to produce?
2. Exam Review
3. Exam Section 1 Friday

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Agenda 9/21/10 Tuesday

1. Discussion: Capitalism Packets
2. HW: Exam Section 1 Friday
Download section 1 objectives from class website:
Complete objectives (due Friday)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Agenda 9/9/10 Thursday

1. Bell Task: "To each according to NEED, from each according to ABILITY"
What does this mean? Which system does this apply to?
2. Discussion: Communism
3. Film: Capitalism
4. HW: Finish Capitalism Packet
Exam Section 1 Next Week (Thursday??)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Agenda 9/7/10 Tuesday

1. Film: Capitalism: A Love Story
What do you agree with and disagree with in this film?
2. Read through page 10 in Capitalism packets.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Agenda 8/31/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Describe what is happening at each of the three points on the PPF diagram.
2. Discussion: Marginal Utility and PPF curves
3. HW: Finish Section 1

Monday, August 30, 2010

Agenda 8/30/10 Monday

1. Bell Task: Think of two items that you purchase regularly. Draw a personal PPF that reflects these two items.
2. Discussion Section 1
3. HW: Read through pg. 62

Friday, August 27, 2010

Agenda 8/27/10 Friday

1. Bell Task: Give a real world example of the concept of marginal utility and diminishing marginal utility.
2. Discussion Section 1
3. HW: Read through pg. 52

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Agenda 8/25 Thursday

1. Bell Task: Compare and contrast the concepts of development vs. sustainable development.
2. Group Economic Challenge
3. Discussion 1.1
HW: Read through pg. 52

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Agenda 8/24/10 Tuesday

1. Bell Task: Why study economics?
2. Class policies
3. Your Friend the Book
4. HW: Read through page 18